As you can see, I'm still having a hard time

  • As you can see, I'm still having a hard time finishing things...all because of my late father, Stephan, and his untimely passing. I've heard that the only way to overcome fears
  • is with a voodoo ritual called Nantata Cruska. But I'd have to finish the ritual to rid my fear and I'd vowed never to finish anything or anyone again. I crawled into a bottle of
  • candy pills & swallowed all of them, hoping the magick of Nantata Cruska would work. Clouds gathered over me & a wicked wind whipped up from the west. The ritual wasn't finished
  • until the fat lady sang. Nantata inhaled, expanding her considerable girth & bellowed the 1st incantation of the Squamous wart curse. Some spittle struck my face, & the wart on my
  • knuckle. I called my knuckle wart "Freddy." I told Freddy The Wart everything.
  • I hoped that Freddy was ready to be my sounding board. It wasn't easy being an abnormal growth, especially on my knuckle. Freddy the Friendly Wart
  • was as friendly as Ghengis Khan putting all & sundry to the sword on the Khwarezmian plain wasn't. Why there hasn't been a friendlier wart to frequent my knuckle since Doofus Wart
  • Had been siphoned off by a buzzsaw. Ghengis Khan was attacked by lampreys, who carried pocket knives for protection. There was a revolution going on among the lampreys. Mr. Lamprey
  • led the other eels in their attack on Ghengis Khan and a slimey sort of mayhem ensued. When the dust cleared, all that was left was a furry hat and a paste-on mustache. The eels
  • gathered to celebrate at Xanadu where being eels allowed them to skate without having to rent foot fungus. Kubka Khan, the proprietor, liked watching them skate through life.


  1. LordVacuity Aug 27 2016 @ 03:52

    I like it. A stately pleasure dome indeed.

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