a blood-curdling shriek that could have shattered

  • a blood-curdling shriek that could have shattered plexi-glass invaded our ears,shredding this erotic moment to pieces.She looked down the ally and whispered.
  • "What was that?" Her voice was oddly harsh in my ears, echoing through the silence surrounding us. A lamp post above us suddenly went out with a bang.
  • The transformer had gone and it was time for us to be too. She grabbed my hand under the cascade under the sparks. We fled around the alley where she mashed her lips against mine.
  • Yes we did the mashed potato & inflate our cheeks, the respirator, the horizontal elevator, the machu picachu catch-you-later. 9 Months later she gave birth to a half toaster, half
  • party animal with another half thrown in of raw unadulterated bird-in-the-hand, more real that real life bucket of Rocky Road ice cream and a spoon. They named her Hazel Machenzie.
  • Hazel Machenzie, flocking the sundae with whipped cream 'cause nobody's there. Her heart had been pared. No cherries were spared. Instead of chocolate syrup, her own tears.
  • David Hasselhoff, who just happened to be passing by, smelled her tears. They smelled like the ocean. He took Hazel into his still strong but slightly withered arms and proposed
  • they go into business together selling Styrofoam nuns. Hazel though dazed to find herself in the slightly withered arms of David Hasselhoff didn't go into business for a one night
  • stand -- that's not the kind of gal she was. "Make an honest woman of me, Davey baby," Hazel said, "marry me, and the world can be ours!" David Hasselhoff set her down and said, "I
  • would love to, Hazel, but I'm already married to my car." KITT added: "That is correct. David and I are about to depart on our honeymoon. Goodbye." She wept as they drove away.


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