That's when Marmaduke realized he liked the

  • That's when Marmaduke realized he liked the taste of human flesh. How could he hide the half-eaten child so the family he lived with didn't discover it?
  • Or, how could he turn this half-eaten child into a comical Sunday strip? Marmaduke pitched Brad Anderson an idea. "What if, stay with me here, I make snausages out of little Billy
  • , characterize him as a child hobo & call the comic strip 'Beggin' Strips'?" Marmaduke asked. Brad Anderson's eyes lit up with possibilities. "And Billy Hobo could have a pet
  • tarantula named Susperia Connally who can spin out tapestries out of all the stories the kids would tell, live and on the air." The producers considered that for a moment. Then
  • they grabbed Susperia, well all but one producer named Jane who had a fear of tarantulas so intense that touching one would kill her. One might call this an allergy but Jane was no
  • t up to speed on the currently accepted scientific terminology. She just knew that when Jane see spider, spider see Jane. Jane scream and die. She tried therapy, but
  • therapist charge Jane too much money and only made Jane more paranoid. Tarzan say to Jane "Jane, just chill," and he handed her a glass of bourbon and some spider poison, which she
  • Gave to the dog. The dog grabbed the glass and collapsed. Jane say to the waiter, "Call 911 right away!" The waiter say to Jane and Tarzan, "The flying lions spy on us and record
  • and publish your fornication on YouTube!" Tarzan became enraged and slapped the waiter...silly. Jane started CPR on the dog. Cheetah ripped Tarzan's loin cloth off and ran away.
  • And the prude lady at the other table fainted in a tremendous fart. Mean while the owner kept his head and doubled the bill. All of it was filmed and played back as viral video.


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