This is the stuff of countless schlocky sci-fi

  • This is the stuff of countless schlocky sci-fi films that have tarnished the image of science fiction for decades.
  • Most of the sci-fi offending shlock can be traced to a little show called "Small Wonder." Other shows that mocked the image of sci-fi for decades was ALF, which
  • stood for Alien Life Form, but you still had to call him by his full name: ALF, The Alien Life Form which I feel is redundant. Battlefield: Earth was another scar on the record of
  • humanity but that record was now so covered in scar tissue and wound remnants that it hardly mattered anymore. In order to help out, I released a plague that with any luck would
  • make everyone smell of apples, rendering the human race inept against the inevitable pony uprising. Equines were gentle creatures, and humanity would pass unto obscurity. Hairgel
  • would be replaced by the curry comb, manicures would be nonexistent. Only farriers would survive the takeover. One young boy decided to take Black Beauty hostage . "Let my
  • words stand as monuments in the stabled void: the next time you see this horse it will be in a tikka masala!" The boy and the beauty fled to Mongolia, where
  • horse milk wine is a delicacy. The beauty found a dashing stallion & soon the boy had opened an Airag stand on a trail in the Mongolian steppes near Gun Galuut. Beauty's foal Daaga
  • trotted about in the wide open spaces of Mongolia. Beauty had found a paradise to raise her young foal. Winter in Mongolia was harsh but the Mongolian's treasured their horses
  • more than life itself. And you would do well to remember this, young one: Never stand between a Mongolian and his horse. Now go away. It's time for my daily meditation.


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 04 2013 @ 05:45

    Rather like this one. Really strikes its own hoof marks in the snow...

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