Tired of that awkward silence and the mindlessness

  • Tired of that awkward silence and the mindlessness of it all, I decided to leave the room. Bad decision though: as I stepped outside all went dark and I couldn't see any longer.
  • I stumbled about in panic. The darkness was like the thickest of smokescreens, blocking my vision and sending my brain into scared-as-hell baby mode. That was when
  • I went into fetal position. A warm liquid surrounded me and sounds were muffledl. I felt disoriented but somehow safe. Then I felt it again a tremor and a high pitched wailing.
  • My screams retreated and huddled within my diminishing form as I passively drifted against the stream of Time. Someday the tide would turn and I would rock, but so many worlds had
  • drifted away silently. Time seemed to stand still here. I settled back into the ebb and flow and allowed my weightless form to be carried off by the rolling, salty waves.
  • There is a simple melody one hears when one rides the timestreams at a still point. The gasps of unrealized futures fading off to branch off with the memory of the possible pasts.
  • I listened, understanding the music of my present past. It was our song playing over the waves of memories. That's when I looked up...and saw my future jogging down the beach.
  • Although the person looked much older, there was no mistaking him. That was my future self. He was running down the stretch of beach, screaming something at the top of his lungs. I
  • could hear the Warning, because certain words, and thoughts turned on, songs on the lady in the Blue Dress's head. Songs by Incubus, which were music to her ears. So musical that
  • the lady in the blue dress began to sing. Feathers emerged from her skin and she remembered how to fly. She was the bluebird of happiness, but she flew away and we stayed here.


  1. Woab Oct 14 2016 @ 12:33

    This has my vote for Most Pensive Story yet.

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