It was her worst nightmare. She was the first

  • It was her worst nightmare. She was the first woman president in US history. She was also a germaphobe. The campaign had almost killed her, now 4 years of this? She called
  • the president of Purel, a close friend from her days in experimental subliminal marketing, and ordered an extra large supply. No matter that she was eroding her immune system,
  • she loved slathering herself with the stuff. She also loved the feeling of it evaporating off her thighs. So what if her life expectancy fell by a few months or years, she
  • loved the feel of gulf coast tar balls on her skin. To hell with the other emollients that were hawked at CVS, this was
  • a defining moment in her life! As she reached for the name brand emollient of her choice, she felt a blunt object strike the back of her head.
  • Suzie Chapstick was on a killing spree. She took another swing with the ski pole and killed her quarry. Then she went the Elmo costumed instructor. Who's laughing now, bastard!
  • She tickled Elmo like a Tickle Me Elmo had never been tickled before, and by 'tickled' I of course mean 'slaughtered'. She raised Elmo's head above her in victory just as Bert
  • would have done, had he been there. Looking down at the chaos she had created, she burst into tears. What had become of her? As she sobbed, a huge yellow-feathered creature whisked
  • her into a large pumpkin with four white mice as footmen.'What the ...?' she thought. Why would I want to sit in a large smelly vegetable surrounded by rodents? Then she remembered
  • how bad it was outside the pumpkin. It was much worse. Somehow, I must preserve this pumpkin. This is my world. Some have bubbles, I have a pumpkin.


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