Five out of ten women

  • Five out of ten women
  • are actually men. Most men are unaware of this little known fact, however. Now stop for a moment & take a good long look at your boss. What you all this time thought was a mustache
  • is a sign to show you that this man is obssessed with his mascularity. It's not true for all men though! Some of them show it by growing beard or even not shaving. ok what remains
  • for me to tell you about men's mascularity. Well, a mascular man is like a beautiful woman who both men & women want to make love to by the light of an autumn moon in the springtim
  • e for Hitler was the name of the broadway musical in the Producers. This is the perfect place to really tell you about man stuff. Why? Well because man stuff is so important
  • and it is particularly important at the beginning of the holiday shopping season. She spreads apple butter on a Cheez-it and then tosses it in the trash, she hates apple butter and
  • Cheez-it, but after a few hours the dumpster aromas meld with the apple butter and cheez-itto make "dank custard dessert" in her 5 star restaurant. "The Rests". "Why Waste
  • Anything when the economy is in the crapper?", the chef said. He had been there and done that. He knew what poverty was like. The restaurant was renamed "Found", as a result.
  • He thought it was clever, anyway, though it did cause some issues. Giants were coming along looking for their misplaced sneakers and stepping on the clients- it was pretty tragic.
  • The sneakers I mean. We had too many clients since 2007 and were grateful to the giants for fixing that problem. Eventually the sneakers were found and all were merry and bright.


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