Hey my name is leche now if u speak spanish

  • Hey my name is leche now if u speak spanish you would know that means milk and well yes i am just a plain old jug of milk. This is the story of my life.
  • I started out as a pint of skim milk. I was the only skim, all alone. I desperately wanted to be popular like Chocolate, but I was just a low-life pint of skim milk.
  • All i can say is," huedhyfhosugh89wehgwhgiohsrhgoihsiopgujioghiohiogiogrhioahioagrhioaghiopawhgioghioaphgionmklvnklvjkl." Everyone always made fun of me but i will win.
  • i just have to be patient and time will be good to be. i just have to try and find a way to make all these people over the 17 years that have teased me,i have to make them pay!!!
  • But first, I had to eat lunch. And also take out the trash, and do the laundry. And feed the cats... I'm beginning to realize why my schemes for revenge never end up anywhere.
  • Mainly, I just had no time for revenge. Especially when my roommates never cleaned. But I vowed to prioritize. No. 10: Steam clean the carpet. No. 1: Assassinate Darth Vader's cat.
  • I created for myself a laser pointer with the most enticing beam a cat could hope to chase. But little did it know, the laser would actually go through his flesh! Then I dropped it
  • and it's beam cut my leg to ribbons. As I lay on the floor bleeding, the cat licked its wounds and sneered at me from his corner. We both lunged for the deadly laser pointer at the
  • center of our squabble. #@!#(oof)443!##(reeaww!)3!@*$%(dammit!)$$@*%$!(yowwwl!) I rose triumphant holding the laser pointer above my head. "Here Kitty!" But kitty didn't come.
  • Did Kitty care? Why yes, absolutely, whole heartedly did the woman care. And so, she chased the pointer, finally capturing the red dot.


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