Squids are pretty cool, I guess. "says Sam."

  • Squids are pretty cool, I guess. "says Sam." Say, don't the quotations go around the quotes? "asks Meghan." Nah, "Sam replies." Today it's backwards. "Meghan sighs." Youre always b
  • ackward you lunkhead. Nobody uses the word lunkhead anymore Meghan "says Sam." Anyway who cares about quotations? I was talking about squids. "Meghan sighs again." You dumby.
  • dumby dumby. I pronounced the 'b' to annoy Meghan. I was tired of playing "Says Sam". Now we'll play Says Simon, you lunkhead. Meghan sighed loudly. "Sigh!!"
  • Then Meghan exclaimed loudly, "exclaim!" Then she threw up quite loudly, "vomit!". None of this phased George, who'd seen it all before with Meghan. Ophelia, on the other hand,
  • was in (albeit a bit insensitive) hysterics. "I can't believe her," she snorted, taking a light drink from her glass of chardonnay. "Ophelia, that was very rude," exclaimed George,
  • even though he sort of empathized with her. Ophelia downed the rest of her wine, battled her lashes and said to George sweetly, "Fetch me another glass, would you?"
  • George, a particularly well trained dog, crept into the liquor store. No one suspected a dog. He snatched another bottle of the vintage Cabernet before dashing back to Ophelia. The
  • liquor store's detective (name of Manatee, naturally) began to suspect a dog had been stealing the wine when he stepped in George's dog doodies. He followed the scent to Ophelia's
  • Doody Free Shop, which it definitely wasn't. "Miss Ophelia, it is my duty as a duly sworn peace officer of the State of Florida to inform you that your dog is a thief and a wino".
  • But he was the best folder of stories that had ever inhabited the doghouse. The dogeared pages were classified as art by Professor Chien. Professor Hund took them to Doggerland.


  1. Woab Mar 31 2017 @ 13:50

    "Miss Ophelia, it is my duty as a duly sworn peace officer of the State of Florida to inform you that your dog is a thief and a wino". HAW!

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