"I love you." There was a heavily pregnant

  • "I love you." There was a heavily pregnant pause. The pause started having contractions as the receiver of this statement stuttered. "I, er," he coughed, searching for the
  • right button to push to get him out of this situation. Lloyd was certain he was not the father.He'd never had "relations" with the pregnant pause...at least not to his recollection
  • . The fast forward had been flirting with the pause and record had told Lloyd that it was likely that fast forward was in fact the father of the pregnant pause's child.
  • "Good thing I have a back-up plan for mistakes like this," said the pregnant pause, who moseyed over to the rewind. Record had their whole affair on tape, though. He showed Lloyd
  • Webber his Memories. But Andy rather liked the pregnant pause. He decided to use it in his Musical production of John Cage's 4'33''. Silence: the Musical was received with
  • no response. The audience deemed silence appropriate since they couldn't respond musically. Claps aren't musical, really. Andy, however, didn't know how to assess this. Then
  • Andy said, "Barn, well...Barn, I guess, well, you have no musical talent." Dep. Fife put his clarinet under his arm. Then Floyd the barber jumped up, sweating and grinning and scre
  • aming the lyrics to Nirvana's "Floyd the Barber". Irony was as far beyond Floyd as the Surface of Last Scattering was beyond the American Scatalogical Society, with its self-
  • load rules.There had to be rules.Anarchy's parents where fans but the girl hated Sex Pistols,Nirvana,Elvis and all that rock shit.She made a promise to herself and Floyd where to
  • post the rules. Rules must be followed. Without rules there is no order. The rules must be posted on Kanye West's wife's buttocks. There, the rules would be see...but who would


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