He knew his six month old daughter hated

  • He knew his six month old daughter hated him. It wasn't just the scratching and screaming and scaring him by holding her breath. It was the way she stared at him when he
  • was having doubts about his readiness as a father. She seemed to see straight into his fears of inadequacy and almost relish it. It was 3am. His six month old daughter was
  • already investing on Scott Trade. His six month old daughter was waaaay out on margin, but she was ahead. After watching those baby investor commercials he'd put his daughter
  • in Day Trader Day Care. Her portfolio consisted of rubber duckies, toilet paper tubes, and elmer's glue. One tot attempted a hostile take-over and had to have a time out.
  • Meanwhile in the Leveraged Buy-Out role play corner a cartel of 6 3-year olds filled their boots with wooden blocks and took them off-shore to the sand-pit. Day Trader Day Care was
  • rife with misappropriated lego and Miss Moneypenny had to bring in Bond to deal with the situation. The gang of 3 year olds upended their boots full of blocks and Bond threw
  • a conniption fit over it, sending the whole gang to preschool juvie hall, where they were forced to usurp their Legos & learn their numbers & letters instead. Miss M & Bond clasped
  • their hands together and said "Oh MY!" in unison as they watched the little brats file out to juvie preschool. Miss M and Bond were just shocked, SHOCKED at their unruly behavior!
  • Bond and Moneypenny ruminated as hard as they could, but were aghast at the young supervillains' behavior. We protect children from child-abuse so they grow up to abuse themselves.
  • Then Bond and Moneypenny finished the story with a loud bang, and everything was finally resolved because the author of this fold didn't have any idea what was going on. The END.


  1. samwight Mar 21 2014 @ 13:08

    Just didnt know any other way... One before the one I wrote was very confusing to me...

  2. Zetawilk Mar 21 2014 @ 13:14

    Thanks. That's pretty much how FoldingStory works, though. You construct a story based upon whatever the previous single fold was.

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