Hi havia una vegada una granota i una vaca

  • Hi havia una vegada una granota i una vaca blava que vivien al mateix bloc de pisos, a la ciutat de Maithoimaginaries.
  • He looked for the source of the sound and saw the gleaming eyes and beak come into view as the head swiveled toward him.
  • Before he knew it the bird-man was upon him. Scratching, clawing and ripping. He clung to the rock as best he could, but nothing could stop
  • the terrifying sight of the man and his destructive digits. He was slipping, the rock feeling more like a piece of silk than a piece of earth. And then it stopped and
  • suddenly, I realized that everything leading up to this moment had been at the whim of a greater power. A power that now threatened to suffocate my mind with its irrational hate
  • of Leslie Neilsen. It was that Shirley crack. His name was Shirley, dammit and everyone in the entire world knew that *one* line from that movie. His mind whirled with options
  • . "Roger, Roger. What is the clearance, Clarence?" Roger and Clarence, tired of Shirley's puns, left their aviation careers that day. They became a zoo crew duo, Rog and the C.
  • Monkey. Rog and the C. Monkey took pride in their work at the zoo. They were the best zoo crew any had ever seen, but that all ended when Shirley found where they had fled. What is
  • The Man With The Yellow Hat's phone number? Rog and the C. Monkey are hiding out with George down at the chocolate factory!


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 15 2012 @ 04:14

    Clever twist. Sea monkey = C. Monkey = Curious, my favorite monkey!

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