It all started with a fight on New Year's

  • It all started with a fight on New Year's Eve.
  • It was a night for turning the page, for letting bygones be bygones -- but for Terry Smith, it was just the right time to push Senator Constantine's face into the potato salad at
  • 1800 hours Sgt Terry Smith was given a signal from the Special Ops Bunker to execute the mission orders. Terry proceeded towards the unsuspecting Senator Constantine
  • Pratt. Senator Pratt let out an "Oouuff" as Sgt Smith rammed his elbow into Pratt's small intestine and bundled him into a mail bag. Sgt Smith dragged him back to the SO bunker and
  • dumped him out. Sen. Pratt rolled into the corner & then sat there,reading someone's mail. "Hey! Look at this!" he said, waving a slip of paper."A money order for $500!" Sgt. Smith
  • then realized who the hell Sen. Pratt was. Sgt. Smith said, "Nevermind that, aren't you the guy that could eat no fat? And your wife, she was superfat and could eat no lean, right?
  • I mean, between you two, you can lick a platter clean." Sen. Pratt winced and blubbered, "Who told you? I changed my name from Sprat years ago!" Sgt. Smith said, "That explains
  • My russian food tastes. I love caviar when I have money for it. Caviar is more expensive than ever. It sucks!", he lamented. We agreed that good food without chemicals was costly.
  • Then we remembered that song about having beefsteak when I was working whisky when I'm not. The Russian spirit in me hummed songs about the steppes & a wind forever blowing across
  • the tundra back when the whole world seemed as innocent as the summer wildflowers. Now my mind id poluted with the facts of the day and even the flowers seem dark with worry.


  1. Woab Jan 07 2017 @ 10:51

    Ended exactly four years later to the day! (But with severe typos. I blame cold fingers!)

  2. msgcwunion Jan 08 2017 @ 16:18

    Thank you everyone! I had completely forgotten I started this story - seems it took quite a twist.

  3. Woab Jan 09 2017 @ 10:28

    Come on back msgcwunion, and we'll twist again, like we did last summer.

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