After a few drinks Mr Ego thought he was

  • After a few drinks Mr Ego thought he was the hottest man at the nightclub. Every lady he approached didn't seem interested in his moves so Mr Ego drank more alcohol and thought
  • that would be enough to make them attractive, but no such luck. Mr Ego's tolerance for alcohol was disproportional to his tolerance for women's ugliness. How was he friendless?
  • His penile relationship with alcohol was curvilinear. With little to no alcohol he couldn't perform, with too much alcohol he also couldn't perform. The secret was finding moderati
  • in moderato; or, as the ancient Greeks would put it, "slipping a Ruphy at just the right time". Night after night he slipped himself Ruphies, but only on occasion would he stumble
  • because normally he spent his time "high" in wheel chair. He shat his pants. He leered at women. He flipped drivers off and told them to bite it. He was a mess. He was my dad.
  • It happened he had a book about the history of dumb waiters. There was one in a building he lived in long ago. The trash used to be sent down a chute from the fourth floor.
  • Anything higher than the fourth floor and the scum wouldn't survive to be questioned after his trip down the chute. He used to follow his victim down in a dumb waiter and
  • wouldn't you know it, he got smart. He quit & I can't seem to hire a new dumb waiter. Which explains why I can't follow the scum, his victims, anymore. So we never see what happens
  • when the rich have to get off their bums and go down to the wine cellar themselves. Can they find their wine cellars? Can they find their bums? Can we find something else on TV?
  • These questions, and more, will be answered in 331 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds, when "Winos with Bums" starts its 17th and final season. See ya then. Adios mothers!


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