Ek Balam convulsed his alien eyes. He was

  • Ek Balam convulsed his alien eyes. He was put on the job of collecting data from Earth's internet from a server room. "So said, he said, "so many folding stories never finished."
  • He was discouraged. Then he had an idea, "Hey! If we really use our minds and also tell friends about Folding Story, they'll get on and help finish them!" His idea was great, and
  • therefore would never come to fruition. A friend or two might try it for a day, but they'd never be seen again, and their paltry evidence would prove that once again, she had no
  • scruples whatsoever. Not as a lawyer, not as 1st "Lady", nor Senator, nor Sec. of State. A complete sociopath! Now, she can twerk like nobody's business, but I cannot vote for
  • a Clinton lookalike contest winner, not even if she does a credible job under the desk while I pretend to
  • caress my monkey. There's no shame in a white stain, baby.
  • Meanwhile, the monkey, who was beginning to shake with anger, tugged desperately at the horribly restrictive diaper wrapped around his ass.
  • It was impossible to tell which would explode first - the monkey? Or the diaper? We all gathered around to watch the thrilling conclusion of this week's episode of Diaper Monkeys
  • , the tale of US-Canada relations since 1867. This episode was the first one to share secret government files, and promised to shed light on how diapers and monkeys exploding
  • gave Barry the idea to taste test tiny circular fruits to see if they were edible,he found several that were,until he was killed by the poisonous ones,we named them for him,berries


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