Warrant G. was they name of the band. They

  • Warrant G. was they name of the band. They played "Cherry Pie" with a gangsta rap beat and it really
  • Pleased the crowd. This new gansta look on the "Cherry Pie" song was intriging.
  • It had to be, since the original content wasn't much to work with. Still, nothing in heaven, earth, or hell could possibly beat Basil Brush's multi-genre rendition of "Bright Eyes"
  • except, of course, a story about a fantasy Easter sleepover written by fifth grade daughter. Combine that with Basil Brush's version of "Bright Eyes" and you've got a hit that
  • would be destined to hypnotize thousands of young screaming girls into submission. The song takes over their brain, blinding them to the truth; forcing them to
  • to chant: "This Sentence is a Lie." This strange trance was used by N*Sync back in the day in their attempt at world domination. Beiber didn't notice that it didn't work at all.
  • So, the boy that he was Beiber gave it a try as well, "Come on people, let's let the world heard, 'This sentence is a lie.' 'This sentence is a lie.' 'This sentence is a lie.'"
  • The crowd responded with silence. So, he stomped of stage, pausing only to pee in a mop bucket before going to the local tattoo parlor to get a new design he'd been wanting, a
  • turgid stoat. "A what?!" Tattoo Charlie asked as he explained what he wanted. After he got kicked out of the tattoo parlor, he swung by Madam Wong' s emporium for some life coachin
  • g. "Always wear red underpants, very lucky for you. Your lucky number - 7. Always put 7 sugars in your tea. Much much luck. Pay me 700 dollar. It give you luck. You so lucky!"


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