LittleRedRidingHood and Wolf had a plan to

  • LittleRedRidingHood and Wolf had a plan to kill grandma but it envolved the huntsman and it made them feel unease.Red decided to seduce him but turned out he had other preferences.
  • gay or not she would have him and his big gun.Wolf dared her and she was not the kind of girl who would run from a dare.Killing grandma became secondary.Red was obsessed by this.
  • And cupcakes.And pigs.And handcuffs.And gay hunters.And wolves.And seducing hunter and wolf while grammy watched handcuffed to the bed eating a cupcake decorated as a pink piglet.
  • This was life in San Francisco's Tenderloin. It was captured by a photo Frank Zappa had taken. The strange thing, is how this weird, all-encompassing photograph wound up in
  • The compendium of great Halloween photos, compiled while on duty at the front door. I was amused by the creativity of it at the time of the New Moon.
  • I stood outside guarding the door, i've been stading here so long I forget why i'm here, ah yes! The halloween party. I hated my 'master' another snot nosed kid with too much money
  • greed and corruption, I thought loudly to my other fellow detectives in waiting. Hounds and Ghouls. For my Master lived in a caged cell with a green elephant, named Ganesha, his
  • lord and master. My master was imprisoned for his religion and Ganesha was imprisoned for being a false god, which he wasn't. This became clear when the two vanished suddenly from
  • the customs queue in the airport after *somebody* had gone #3 in the airplane bathroom which was prohibited by law, the Golden Rule, and common decency. I decided I wouldn't
  • press charges for the #3. I would seek out of pocket compensation. I received two chocolate bars & some pocket lint. I knitted it into a sweater & gave to he who shall not be name.


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