Think about being alone with a horny retarded

  • Think about being alone with a horny retarded teenager that can swim 60 MPH. That's what it's like being a dolphin trainer.
  • And did I mention the neoprene fetish that seems to be inherent with this species? But I suppose it could be worse... Like that orca with the ponytail fetish. Ponytailaophilia,
  • I believe is the correct terminology though I don't concern myself too much with these descriptions, nevertheless it is an incredible sight to view this creature during the mating
  • ceremony my wife and I routinely engage in on Friday night. It's a special time, made more special by simultaneously viewing this creature
  • using a pinhole camera. We just love all the silhouettes we've collected of the various that have stopped on planrt earth to say hello. That is, except the creature that the camera
  • absorbed. What on Earth was the use of a possessed pinhole camera? We got the old time machine from the garage and entered in a date within the warranty service period.
  • June 15, 1961. The clerks behind the Woolworth's counter eyed us suspiciously as we explained that the pinhole camera was defective and asked for a set of slingshots instead. The
  • slingshots would be used to shoot out the windows in our old school, we explained. "Oh, that's all right, then," said the clerks, and soon we were off on our merry way to wreak ha
  • vok, as was perfectly normal and expected of us. This was, after all, Guy Fawkes Night, the one time of the year when sweet liberating anarchy finally comes to the UK. "Me mum got
  • nothing to say!" He turned as the torn flags fluttered behind him. In the distance, distant trumpets sounded their deathknell as he walked along - a complete man at long last.


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