Elizabeth let out a sigh as she closed her

  • Elizabeth let out a sigh as she closed her pocket book. She leaned back to her seat and took a sip from her coffee. Tomorrow wasn't going to be a great for she will see him again.
  • The last time she had seen him was Berlin, 1989. The 2 of them stood there, as if nothing could fall. "I wish you could swim" he told her "like dolphins can swim.
  • "Like birds can fly." He whispered to her gently. She blushed, "oh darling... do you wish that I was capable of flight?" She took her hands in hers. "Well... SURPRISE!!!!"
  • Then the lifted off the ground and spiraled slowly upperward like a falling leave going back to its tree.Louis loved Clark but she had fear of heights. Her face turned green & then
  • puked all over Clark. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she nervously said, while Clark was trying to brush it off. "No worries, I'm used to this all the time with my younger brother," he
  • Added sheepishly. Indeed he had done that, much to his mum's chagrin. It made it hard to entertain guests. That would never be acceptable nowadays, it was politically incorrect.
  • Only after seven years, would things like this be okay to joke about just one more time. So what if Mom is offended, right? Well, he picked up the mic and spoke:
  • "Yo mama so fat, not even Dora can explore her." The crowd fell into stunned silence. The ones who knew him turned and stared at his mother, sitting in the front row.
  • Mike didn't get why the crowd wasn't laughing at his joke. He followed the gaze of the crowd to an obese middle age woman sitting in the front row.
  • She sat completely still, blood dripping from her eyes. "You did this to me," she accused. Mike was aghast. It was the ghost of his great Aunt Valetta. The joke was on him.


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