and I'm Batman. Kapow! But I don't like carrots

  • and I'm Batman. Kapow! But I don't like carrots unless they are with that Toy Story cheese and mac because I like the shapes except for Mr. Potato. Did you I will be 5 next week?
  • Thwats incwedible. Im gonna be 4 wext month. Pwease if you are in town call me. Cause i am you fwiendly neighborhood Spiderman! HOpe to see you Batman
  • said the little tyke. He was dressed as Spiderman. His father was dressed as Batman. Halloween. But daddy wanted to settle an old score so he maced his son in the face and shouted
  • "I am BATMAN" as the helpless child crumpled to the ground as horrified onlookers froze in place. An elderly woman finally broke through the daze and beat daddy with her cane and
  • then "Batman" suddenly jumped up and ripped his fathers throat off. Cut it into peices and made bacon out of it, then fed it to the old lady for dinner. She was
  • very perturbed to realize her food had really been human throatbacon. She shouted at him, saying "people need to stop jiving so much, there's trouble in river city". She
  • had no idea how right she was. After a few seconds of discomfort she was out cold and on her way to the River City processing plant for, well, processing. The only plan the mayor
  • had was to stay Mayor long enough to avoid the processing plant himself. City officials were excepted from the lottery deciding who was sent to the plant as food for the masses.
  • And so he turned to the only solution that comes to the minds of politicians who see their constituency turning way from them. Even the cliché nature of his actions didn't put him
  • somewhere. He justified the same homosexual activity he crucified his constituents for. And that's why we hate the motherfucking rich, because they're hypocritical bigots.


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