Había un hombre que estaba por llegar a

  • Había un hombre que estaba por llegar a su destino, el no sabía cuál era su objetivo.
  • He did not knw his goals,wishes,desires.He did not know who he was,and I don't mean it metaphorically...He just didn't remember!Juan,Pedro,Antonio...He didn't
  • have the foggiest. Which made him the perfect boyfriend. Cassandra snapped up the "guy" with amnesia. She lied to him. She told him that he was devoted to her. That he put her on a
  • bon bon and Big Mac diet to help her maintain a healthy weight. That's when he grew suspicious. Sure he had amnesia, but Cassandra could stand to lose a few, anyone could see that.
  • He figured that Cassandra was eating away the evidence of his past life with each bite of the Big Mac. Finally he had enough. He walked up to Cassandra and said
  • "You know what? I've had it with you and your sick obsession of gourmet fast food restaurants! Why can't we just meet at something more...me, y'know something like
  • Uncle Gary's Pizza-a-Palooza Lazer-Tag Arena? Huh?" She tossed the bendy straw in his face and stormed off. He looked down with tears at his Stilton Burger with baby-spinach.
  • Daisy had been the only gourmand he'd ever hitched up with in this town full of second cousins twice removed. He ran after her, "Daisy, Uncle Gary's Pizza-a-Palooza Lazer-Tag Arena
  • is gonna close in another hour!" He held out his hand in invitation. "How's about it, sweet Daisy? Can we let bygones be bygones & start over again?" It was a Hollywood ending to
  • a Vancouver production. So California seceded from the union to try and join Canada, but nothing doing. Now they were really up a creek without a certain seafaring implement.


  1. Zetawilk Mar 03 2013 @ 01:03

    Moral of the story: Quit pretending, west coast.

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