there 2as once a castle upon a hill, the

  • there 2as once a castle upon a hill, the lived there because his mother had some kill. He followed god and smoked weed everyday, but this king had a secret...he was a fucking gay.
  • The king's name was Elvis. No one can ever know.
  • So whatever you do, DO NOT tell anyone, OK? If you do, you die. You understand? And that means no jokes about hound dogs, no peanut butter & banana sandwiches, no rhinestone belts.
  • " says Joan. Bobby sniffed, nearly crying once he understood the consequences of his actions. He HAD told someone already! But he really loved rhinestone belts and peanut butter...
  • Every day Bobby had to endure their eyes and their psychic and vocal comments: "Rhinestone Cowboy", "Peanut Licker", "Murderer!", but the ghosts of Jerome and Noriko consoled him
  • with peanuts & whisky from the spirit realm. Deep in the cool darkness of the abandoned Trusty Barmaid Gold Mine, he would get drunk, lick the peanuts & talk with his ghost friends
  • Who stuffed the turkeys and cooked deaf onions not kneading the red packets of dove querents
  • Take all of the verbs and nouns and toss in a large mixing bowl. Garnish with adjectives. Word salad can be served to a literate group of 4 as an appetizer.
  • After following the recipe precisely, I served the following word dish to my in-laws: Dear <nouns>, it is with <adjective> <verb> that I announce <pronoun> and I are <verb>! Please
  • treat my <euphemism> as an <adverb> >questionable gerund construction>. <formal closing> After getting over their grammerphobia they warmed to my new <noun suffix>.


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