He was born of lowly station, the runt of

  • He was born of lowly station, the runt of one of the local chieftains many comcubines. Spurned & exiled he survived in the forlorn steppes. Ghengis was tough, ambitious.& ruthless
  • but he was nothing compared to Roseanne Bar. She was bitter, fat, pissed off and yet, rich. That deadly combination caused her to
  • spend most of her waking hours in the garden shed creating glass beads. She would sell her homemade jewellery at a local market. Often customers would ask for a magic glass bead to
  • plant in their own gardens because they too wanted to grow magic glass beads plants and sell them to fat women. You see, when fat women ingested the magic glass beads, they would
  • not lose weight but appear skinnier. The glass beads had the ability to change the refraction of light even from inside the body.. So women could continue to eat
  • their glass diets but swap lard jars for these revolutionary glass beads. "I'm so satisfied dietarily," said a woman bleeding heavily from glass cuts in her mouth. My was she thin
  • you could see her papery thin skin stretching over her cheek bones. The Glass Bead Diet was so successful that glass blowers in Venice became as rich and drunk as lords. Rattling
  • bellies became fast a sign of social status, and now ladies wore special gowns, with oval opening showing their huge, glass-filled stomachs, as the glass would remain inside.
  • Grassy khandas ceded the brats by the rest og the gnsts.
  • Which seemed quite strange, given the fact that gnsts had no business around brats anyway, especially if Indian swords had anything to do with it! Those tricky grassy indians...


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