It was a night just like any other. I had

  • It was a night just like any other. I had two slugs, one in my magnum, and the other in a bottle of whiskey. I kicked my feet up on the desk to take a nap, when she walked in...
  • she helped herself to the bottle of whiskey I had on the table, only to quickly spit it out in disgust when she found the live slug I had placed inside it. She had legs that could
  • kill you and you'd die a happy man. That was the sort of woman who was my client. Because of her looks I think I'd consider her job even if I had enough money to be drunk for
  • tolerating her grating personality and obnoxious laugh. "So you'll find the monkey? Oooo you are SO grand, so absolutely GRAAAND. Ayuckyuk." I nearly shot her, but took the money..
  • and pocketed it. It wasn't long, a few seconds maybe, before I noticed the tingling in my fingers. "What- what did you do?" I gasped as my body was overcome with numbness. But then
  • I realized that I never had a body in the first place. All my life I have floating among space seeking adventure and new friends. It had its high and lows, but it was mostly
  • marked by profound sadness at my lack of genitals and my inability to consume ice cream sundaes. Sure, adventure is fine, but I'd like one day of self-pleasure and chocolate sauce
  • cascading down a row of erotic grandmothers who knew only how to get down in the brown. Playing Keno with the Boys & Girls Club kids will have to do for now. One particular child
  • told the erotic grandmothers that he hated, loathed black licorice and that you could only develop a taste for it by living in a time in which candy really had not been invented.
  • But they never intended for him to eat it, instead tying him to the bedposts and whipping his bare chest with it and he soon developed a taste for it none-the-less.


  1. bobodahobo May 31 2011 @ 21:58

    @BadAxel. Excellent work.

  2. Bad. Jun 01 2011 @ 04:24

    Well thank you :D

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