He looked at his phone, turned pale, then

  • He looked at his phone, turned pale, then quickly left the room. She was watching him, smiling. Well, it was really a devilish grin, to be honest.
  • She wasn't pure evil, though, just devious. Especially when it came to tormenting Jonathon. They'd grown up together all those years ago in the Sunshine & Hope apartment complex in
  • the fifth floor of the nuclear fallout refuge. "Look Jonathon! This screen says there's a radiation leak on floor six!" Jon rolled his eyes. She wouldn't fool him so easily again
  • "I'm serious this time!" She said. Jon sighed and looked. Indeed there was a leak this time. "Well that can't be good."
  • Leaking time, no matter how little, is never ideal. Time is money when your job is saving it. With every second that leaked out of that hole we were all being diminished. Jon took
  • a conveniently present lasagna from the counter top and used it to plug the rift. He sighed with relief and turned around, only to see he was surrounded by time-demons.
  • Time-Demons are always a pain to deal with because they could only be killed by the legendary Sword of Armenherst. Since normal Watchers didn't have the crazy amount of $to obtain
  • said legendary and apparently pricey Sword of Armenherst, some improvisation was in order. It was time. "Lemonade! 50 cents a cup!" The time demon hunters called from their post.
  • They needed to make money because the lemons had just gone up in price. Demon #1 called and told them not to worry. It was a kid selling lemonade at his mother's yard sale.
  • The wild success of Billy's lemonade stand, thanks to his devilish tenacity,crashed the economies of several small countries and drove his 12-year-old competitors out of business.


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