I think- I think if I ever make it out of

  • I think- I think if I ever make it out of this hot godforsaken desert, I will go back to being a dentist.
  • Not that staring in people's mouths is the best past-time ever, but after 41 days alone in the Gobi-desert, I think I would kiss the first person I see on the lips. I think I heard
  • someone behind me! I turn around to see this crusty old homeless man. He was asking for change. Well, I did say I would kiss the first person I see. I embraced him in a passionate
  • kiss. I had never kissed someone so passionately on the forehead before. "Sorry, I don't have any change," I lied to the homeless man. Coins jingled in my pockets as I ran away
  • quickly. "Life's unfair", I told a little kid as I stole her 3 wheeler and peddled all the way to Sonia's place. Some weird bloke at the door. Dark clouds gathering overhead as I
  • jumped of the fast moving wheeler and tackled the guy.His head hit the door,knocking him out cold.No time to waste.Had to get Sonia to the safehouse.Then out of the country,fast.
  • so fast, it would take a speedy horsey indeedy. they fled and fled and fled the flood. But then they rested. After a while they ate something.
  • And were grateful to wear camouflage. Mr. Ed the talking horse took out his binoculars and said, "We need to move while Saturn is visible in the sky. Then we can sleep under the
  • bed of ol' Judge Wilks- he's half blind." Next day, the magistrate groped for his slippers but found Mr. Ed's muzzle instead. "Thelma, dear wife, is it you!? Then who did we bury?"
  • "We buried a foldingstory."


  1. Dhanithecat Sep 13 2016 @ 10:43

    Another great folding story.

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