Hello faithful blog readers. I'm going to

  • Hello faithful blog readers. I'm going to depart from our usual political discourse today and share a parable that I think will clearly illustrate the state of our society. Bob
  • has more money than God. God wants his share, but Bob is greedy. He hires a lobbyist to talk to God. God listens and hires a lawyer to negotiate. As the years pass, nobody knows
  • why less & less prayers are being answered. It's because God downsized operations due to loss of revenue and exorbitant lawyer fees. Eventually God takes a collateral on Bob's soul
  • music store. Which was already struggling with sales in the current economic climate. The insurers refused to pay out on 'Acts of God' so Bob was left with a worthless policy and b
  • urrito indigestion. The insurer smirked. "Acts of God clause means you get no money." Bob said, "Well, I guess we should ask God himself whether he caused this." A crack of thunder
  • in my gut was not the burrito talking. Even Bob heard it. "Coincidental? I don't think so." I said smugly as I loosened my belt to let God speak to the faithless insurance agent.
  • Lifting my shirt, I pointed towards my navel. The insurance agent hesitated, then placed his ear against my gut. "Hmmm," he hmmmed. "Sounds like a burrito to me. It's Aramaic, the
  • Mexican burrito sacrifice going on. Once the beans are properly digested, you will feel better." Dr. Aziz was correct. He told me never eat burritos after 8pm. That was ten years
  • ago to this day. I never eat beans after eight o'clock but I do eat dal. I simmered some red lentils in a pot as big as your head and added some spices. I like it hot
  • gooey, just like my romances.


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