"Firebrand chili will put hair on your chest,

  • "Firebrand chili will put hair on your chest, and a hole in your duodenum, said the sign outside." "Well, spoon me a bowl. Maybe it'll put hair on my bald pate too." said
  • the gnome. Great, just what we need, I thought to myself. Another explosive lawn ornament. The moment someone bumps that thing with a lawn mower, KABOOM! I don't think we should
  • wear the gasoline pants for sure on fourth of July. Just then Kenny came out carrying a box of sweating dynamite under one arm and a canister of pure ammonia under the other smokin
  • G gun. Anyway, three years later, this story remains unfinished and Kenny has vanished ever since his secret vault was raided by the food police. His sandwiches tasted dreadful!
  • Uncle Einar came out of the root cellar to exhale the Novembral air that he had been holding in. The trees and the darkling sky were his home; the troubled post-monkeys his charge.
  • Twas a lonely existence for the most part...until the post-monkeys hit a growth spurt & began to evolve, or maybe in this case, devolve. Terrified, Uncle Einar locked himself into
  • a diaper factory, where no post-monkey would think to look for him. He hid under the tables and existed on scraps dropped by the aging workers until one day a post-monkey happened
  • move the table to get at a pesky light bulb that had burned out. He'd been had, the jig was up. And no matter how he danced it the post-monkeys were after him. He dance toward the
  • night, he dance to the Left, and he shoots with the best. Leaving their bodies to the toadfish teeming in these waters he boarded his flight to Jakarta. There would be more of them
  • Sedated each TIME the blackness hits them, with WARPED intention, and hands on hips, a dance to the left, a jump to the right…nothing would ever be the same again!


  1. Woab Feb 21 2017 @ 16:06

    TOADFISH!!!! (Please forgive my outburst.)

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