The respected neurologist Dr. Couderhans

  • The respected neurologist Dr. Couderhans had seen many cases of violent behavior while sleepwalking, but this was on another scale. Detective Marlowe had called him to the scene
  • but his GPS wasn't working and he never got there, but coincidentally hit the sleepwalker with his car. The guy went berserk and ruined the statue in
  • the Louvre. He'd driven down the steps in his Mini trying to lose the Colombian Chainsaw Syndicate and didn't see the un-armed statue. James got of his car and looked at the pieces
  • of the Venus de Milo, full of regret. At that moment, the Columbian Chainsaw Syndicate found him crying over the broken statue, and took advantage of this moment
  • to pull-start and rev up their weapons of choice, and bore down on him. They got very close before he heard them approach over his own pathetic sobbing. By the time he stood up,
  • he was cornered. Angry chainsaws to the left of him, lawnmowers to the right. The loud "kapukata-kapukata-kapukata" echoed across the hills. "Um, Hey guys?" he sniffled. "We are
  • going to be pickier about which game to TRON ourselves into next time. I really don't know if death by angry chainsaw means final death or just a reboot and I don't want to find
  • out, so we TRONNED into Wii Sports: a relatively peaceful land inhabited by wristless Miis and infinite bowling pins. But a kid's errant Wii remote smashed through the TV and
  • we all investigated further:This was no kid, and the aftermath pictures revealed empty liquor bottles.Yes, as usual the TV was broken by a white trash frat loser who lost his grip.
  • Can't blame him, really. He'd just seen his girlfriend/2nd cousin tell Maury Povitch she torched the trailer to get insurance $$ for a Fig Newton addiction. He'd been such a fool!


  1. 49erFaithful Apr 26 2012 @ 10:32

    Quality tale.

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