"A theatrical performance, 7 letters - something

  • "A theatrical performance, 7 letters - something something e something t something something" her husband questioned. This is the last one and we can send off for the grand prize o
  • f 1 million smackaroos.Hector & Olivia wracked their brains but couldn't come up with the winning crossword puzzle answer. __ __ e __ t __ __ "A theatrical performance...how 'bout
  • 'aheMtcb', it's Macbeth scrambled up?" "This isn't the word jumble, Hector?" "Olivia, how 'bout rbeDtli, it's Dilbert scram..." *smack* "This is why I can't commit to you, Hector!"
  • Hector was a real Latino. Olivia was a fictional Shakespearean character. They met through a Playstation. Their love was very very very very muy muy muy
  • She was his level 99 dream girl. Pixel perfection. It was a Saturday when he was questing with his guild that she turned and looked at him through the TV. "Hector," she said.
  • He flinched, he was utterly in shock. He quickly regained his senses, and continued his questing, hoping the girl was just some figment of his overly sensitive imagination.
  • Not that it would be entirely barbaric to think a woman may find me attractive, but a quickly receding hair line and quite noticeable beer belly isn't what I'd expect that she
  • would go for, then again I once knew a woman who found tiny Asian men incredibly sexy. So anything is possible right? At least I was hoping so.
  • I assembled a small crate full of tiny Asian men as a love offering for Petunia. I wrapped it up in shiny red paper and tied a silk bow around it. Could this be the night?
  • It was initially hard to gauge Petunia's reaction to the gift. But then she stood up, untied the belt around her raincoat and let it fall around her naked body. "Mele kalikimaka".


  1. buddyboy4711 Jun 13 2014 @ 16:54

    Is it Orestes? OK cool, you can mail me a million dollars now.

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