yeah, bringing you another disturbing creation

  • yeah, bringing you another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who cant tell the difference, and gets stupified.
  • That's what 50 Cent's manager was thinking when listening to his new album. How was he going to tell 50 that it was over? He'd had a good run but maybe he should go back to
  • to being Curtis whatever and try not to blow all of his "It's Your Birthday" money on ten foot medallions for his mansion. He opened his celly and called Eminem. "It's your ass now
  • Monkey? when did moneky come in? not good to come in uninvited. I need my water.
  • The uninvited, dehydrated, monkey troll from the prior fold fell into a dry well never to be heard from again. Kyerinn or Euphorium would come up with a witty retort like
  • "those are not my avocados", or "what's with all the corn flakes". It wasn't so much about about the way the piper looked at the crowd, as it was the
  • the look of amusement on his face. He was getting away with it. The deal with the avocados had gone down, and he was going to skate. People began walking away. Still,
  • he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. When you've got over 10 keys of Colombian pure sitting in a crate of avocados, paranoia sets in fast. He quickened his pace
  • to get back to the apartment and check on the stuff.It was all green. Shit! That stupid bastard! He told her avocados were a bad idea.Now what was he going to do with green coke?
  • The only thing he could think of was to cook it up and wait for St. Patty's day and pump it out on the corner of 163rd & St. Nick. 2 for $5's all day.


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