Lookin' at cleavage is like lookin' at the

  • Lookin' at cleavage is like lookin' at the sun. You don't stare at it! It's too risky! You get a sense of it and then you look away, or you wear some dark glasses. Your blind
  • uncle knew that beforehand but he ignored the advice. Now look at him. Don't be messin' with nature now. Nature is disgusting." I sensed that Dr. Hawking was through with his
  • Temper tantrum, and that it was time for them to move on. They left the house and started to walk towards the castle. It was time for Dracula to face judgement for his evil and ver
  • ify his mailing address. Dracula had other plans though. He was working the nightshift on a construction crew working on the freeway between Barstow and Vegas. The Crew Chief didn'
  • t notice his cape and long fangs. Everyone on the construction crew near Vegas looked like a hang-over waiting to pass anyway. Dracula blended in for the first few days, then his
  • monthly visitor came and Drac turned into a total he-bitch drama queen. The thirst was upon him and he tore into anyone that darkened his path. Two days later, Dracula came out of
  • the closet, he had been planning on coming out for a very long time but he could never pluck up the courage, but today he felt like a new man. He took a deap breath then shouted
  • "I AM SPARTA!" which made him feel rather foolish, but distracted his rational brain just long enough for his hand to turn the knob and push. The door didn't budge. 'Damn, he
  • shouted. Suddenly his rational brain noticed that even though the door didn't budge the knob had rotated a quarter turn. This gave him hope and he shouted even louder "I AM SPARTA!
  • He raised his gladius, charged the suddenly open door, and stumbled into the street. The pizza man witnessed the fiasco. (Some dine in hell, some order extra toppings.)


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