I learnt that things can change in an instant.

  • I learnt that things can change in an instant. One minute you're feeling wonderful and the next minute things can go topsy-turvy. Little did I know when I boarded the flight how
  • symmetrical the number of electric clocks and electric fans had become by the end of the first decade of the 21st Century CE. My gast was utterly flabbered! I couldn't've guessed!
  • Snapple lids had the most interesting facts. One time I got one that read, "A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes." This made me curious, so I
  • called the Snapple Hotline. They told me that every morning at 5, an old rebok shoebox full of facts was given to them and they put them on the lids. I staked out the drop site.
  • Stealing their facts to change them into confusing nonsense and return them to the drop site tomorrow.
  • At least, this was FOX News's plan. They wiretapped Obama's phone and discovered that the President was heavily involved in a global
  • domination. No surprise there. Using youtube and other modern conveniences, I got together some Tea Party Patriots to overthrow Obama by making his plans public to the nation and
  • FBI agents knocked on my door at 3 a.m.
  • They said they had a few questions to ask me, and they wouldn't accept short answers. Before I could claim my Miranda rights, the strapped me to a chair & singed a few nose hairs
  • with a brass-colored Zippo lighter. As they began to unstrap The Gimp, their bodies rose towards the heavens as they were raptured. Just the Gimp and I remained.


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