It's late. I'm tired. The only thing I want

  • It's late. I'm tired. The only thing I want is to sleep. But the baby is crying and my wife is too sick to sooth him. I drink to numb the pain. I could just end it all. It would be
  • easy enough to pass this job onto someone else. Instead I decided to stop wallowing and take responsibility. I hurry to my son's room, pick him up, and try to comfort him.
  • "How do you feel now, son?" I ask him, holding him in my arms. Tears in his eyes, he looks up at me. "I can't go on like this," he blubs. "It's too painful...it hurts my...my...
  • heartstrings... to live... in an imperfect world of skinned knees. Forgive me, parent, I... must indulge in a good existential cry every now and then." I take him out for ice cream
  • but he just looks at the bowl & says "What's the point? Sure it'll taste good now, but then it'll be gone. Why even bother?" I took a deep breath. If ice cream wasn't the answer
  • to his great ennui, then I wasn't interested in the question. With a "don't mind if I do" I scooped up the bowl of vanilla and slurped it down. It was posh vanilla with black bits
  • which gave the appearance of being authentic vanilla. But the black bits were not vanilla bean pieces, they were micro-bots. Once inside my body, they fanned out in a floatilla
  • Of nomatophobia, which only allowed symbolic characters resemblig pigs' feet in her fiction. Micro-bots were willing to ghost write her autobiography which was set in a place named
  • Serenity 3. "Before we were Survivors", it bagan. It paints a condemning picture of the actions taken by General Custer at the Battle of Tortilla Flats against the Mushroom People.
  • Boston "Creampie" Custer, brother of George, visited Tortilla Flats with his fiancé, Millie Putz. After having unprotected sex, Custer mistook Millie for a mushroom and ate her!


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