The inspector stepped back to observe the

  • The inspector stepped back to observe the tableau. The wall was covered in newspaper clippings, old photos, book passages and lots of string. Why did they always do this?
  • "because our murders are works of great importance." Said the Serial Killer. The Inspector said, "What?" The Serial Killer smiled, "I can read your thoughts Inspector."
  • "What am I thinking now?" The Inspector cocked an eyebrow at him. The Serial Killer looked him in the eye and deadpanned, "That your wife has prepared a surprise for you at home.."
  • Detective Manatee glanced at the inspector. "Really? Can I watch?" The inspector's face turned red, and he stammered. "Uh, heh, well, I'll ask..." He then turned back to the
  • urinal, & completely distracted by a large talking manatee, our good detective lifted the inspectors keys. JMan was going to pay Dr.Chilibot in solitary confinement a visit.
  • I let myself into the solitary confinement wing. I made to Dr. Chilibot's "home" and was able to slip by the guard (somehow) and into his "home." But he was gone, a message scrawl
  • -ing itself onto the wall as if by an invisible permanent marker: "Stay thirsty my friends." Another of Chilibot's riddles! The last one took me three years to solve, and six good
  • years to actually understand. "Stay thirsty?" The wall said nothing in response. Sometimes that worked, talking to the wall the riddles were written on, but not this time. My only
  • hope was to hit the wall repeatedly with a sledge hammer until it offered up its secret of the riddles. I reduced it to rubble, but nothing. Moving on to Plan B, I ordered 'Solving
  • this puzzle is impossible." The wall replied "correct!" and opened, revealing a half-eaten bag of doritos and a hot dog. They were delicious.


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