Time was passing slowly - very slowly indeed

  • Time was passing slowly - very slowly indeed
  • Spoons clinked against the rims of old canning jars full of sweet tea. Steaming heaps of eggs, toast and pan fries wafted by. I ask for another cuppa joe. Was this the place?
  • I turned to look at the Juke Box. It still had 'Convoy' by CW McCall and John Denver's 'Thank God I'm a Country Boy.' It was the Brigadoon of diner's appearing on 61 every 20 years
  • . Thank God they it had some Dylan Tracks. I selected 'Highway 61 Revisited' & ordered a Harvey Wallbanger. I had 24 hours before the Diner disappeared again to stop WW III.
  • But then after listening to Dylan tracks long enough, I was overtaken by depression and pointlessness. Why stop WW III? Why not get it started early. I grabbed my plasma nuke and
  • headed outside, looking for something to force destruction and despair upon. It was late afternoon and there wasn't much outside, just a few parked cars. I aimed my plasma nuke and
  • puked miasma all over the ground as my weapon malfunctioned, releasing a torrent of toxic radiation into my body. I retched and convulsed on the ground, until finally I arose like
  • A phoenix and boarded the blue line at forest park, so I could escape the stench of diadtyl overdosed sheeple. They stood there with shovels in hand, digging for something and
  • even when they found something it was always the very special item that they were not looking for and could I please have it removed and if not destroyed placed into another dimens
  • -ion? "Only if we are talking about warts," came the answer, "in which case we remove them and send them to the dimension of the toads, who are only too happy to receive them."


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