...So I used skim milk and it still made

  • ...So I used skim milk and it still made pudding, so you see what's the point?" The philosphy professor looked at his class and sighed to himself "Just two years to tenure."
  • He needed some good student reviews for his tenure push so he decided to assign the class a morality review of the game Kill, Screw, & Marry. Soon the whole class was debating
  • on whether they should give him a good or bad review. Of course there were students that went both ways.
  • Student out of body experiences were quite common at Mrs. Inkle's School For Astral Projection, but not nearly as common as they should be.Inkle worried about losing accreditation.
  • Actually, Mrs. Inkle's School For Astral Projection was a subdivision of Phoenix University Online. The offered Masters and Professional certificates
  • in online shopping. Amazon is a main sponsor of this educational facility because a majority of their business comes from these students. Suddenly the internet was taken by Al Gore
  • I dislike Al Gore he is a meanie face who only cares about making money. He only cares about himself.
  • He recently tweeted his self beating a kitty cat meow meow. This man is a hazard to society and needs to be obtaine by the national kitty foundation or know as the NKF. These cats
  • are wild and crazy, they will eat your face off if you aren't careful!
  • Luckily, I am always careful, so my face never gets eaten off. Why, if that were to happen, my hats would simply clash and I would not be as fabulous anymore!


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