after watching My Fair Lady instead of the

  • after watching My Fair Lady instead of the super bowl, Chuck was sure that he'd proven his love and that Nancy would finally give into his craven desire to
  • spend every Sunday at her mothers house playing cards and listening to them laugh. Wait..Chuck thought, where did that ludicrous idea come from, Nancy must be planting thoughts
  • by subliminally rearranging his Alpha-Bits. "Time to visit the in-laws, Chuckles," said Nancy, with her female mind trickery. Chuck initiated Thought Shutdown Sequence Beta. Drool
  • began to drip down her chin, and Chuck screeched "Aha! Finally I have turned the tables on you, Nancy. Nevermore will I be subjected to your mother's rancid meatballs!" Nancy turne
  • d swiftly toward him, eyes blazing, meatball sauce spattered over her once pretty face. Nancy thrust her fork into his scrotum & cried, "I got your meatballs right here, Chucksters
  • So you had better grab a taxi now". The restaurant manager was obligated to pay for the cab, ss his chef had made the meal wrong.
  • ss goose stepped on the roast instead of roasting the goose. ss was always doing right things the wrong way. But the restaurant owner wouldn't let that gestapo his plans for his re
  • education party next weekend. It was dripping with class. You could almost smell it. Just then one of his dinner guests walked in and asked, "Do I smell something burning?"
  • Some smart ass next to her replied "I don't know. Do you?". But it was the kitchen. The flames were shooting out of the entrance to the main room. Everyone began to
  • panic, grabbing whatever containers they could to splash whatever liquids they could find on the now roaring flames. In the chaos only some escaped, and I was one of the lucky few.


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