Gregor's family did not mourn his passing.

  • Gregor's family did not mourn his passing. The next morning, however, they, too had transformed into giant beetles.
  • Ok you guys, we knew this was going to happen. We're shiny, slippery and not pretty. But there's a job to be done and Gregor would want us to
  • complete it. And after all Gregor's done for us, it's only right that we don't let him down. If Gregor was alive today, he'd help us destroy the evil forces of Kenya. But we must
  • face the facts: Gregor is dead. So we are charged with destroying Kenya. but we don't have an army. To raise an army we need money but we have no money. However, AmWay will
  • be our model for raising both money and people. All we have to do is invite 5 friends each, and tell each of them to sell shrunken heads to their friends. We will have enough
  • shrunken head salesmen in our pyramid scheme that when it bottomed out, it would take months to trace back to us. By then of course, we'd have new faces & murderers at our disposal
  • and the entire Muppets cast and crew doing our dirty work for us. We'd finally be able to
  • boink Miss Piggy! Oh god, you can't even imagine what I'd
  • do if I was to actually meet her. She irked me very much so.
  • Wynona Judd with her preachy, self-helpiness would have to find another toadie, because I had no intention of introducing myself. "Mama, He's Crazy," but so is Wynona.


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