"Did you see that? Wait, there it is again.

  • "Did you see that? Wait, there it is again. Someone lives there!" Ron, tugged my arm pulling me towards the delapidated, overgrown Mansion. "I dunno, Ron." "Scared?" Grinning, Ron
  • began to run towards the Mansion. "Come on then, are you coming or not?" Sighing, I followed him.
  • We climbed over the fence, landing roughly on the other side and began to look for an entrance to the mansion. It was eerily quiet. I started wondering if the stories were true.
  • The stories I heard were very convincing about this eerie mansion. We saw a door. "Let's try to open it!" I exclaimed to them. I was very intrigued by this point. "I don't know",
  • said the door. "I've always kept to myself. I've had to, being as I am the last door on the left. Beyond me there is no more-- no more anything. It is hard for me to open up like
  • the doors to my right. They get opened more, you see. They're more important. I'm just a lonely leftmost door. Easily forgotten since I don't lead anywhere interesting.
  • But one day a tired old man came my way. "My life has been far too interesting, and I want a rest," he said. I said: "Sir I am the door for you." He unhinged me from the wall and
  • used me as a portal to paradise. On one side of my doorness I could see endless streams of busy cars and crowds marching off to mindless jobs and on the other side a hula dancer in
  • Due regalia performing to a backdrop of Fifties era classics. There were people watching her onstage. This was six months after the training started. Hula dancing is an art learned
  • by the the artist.


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