Once upon a time in a world not unlike our

  • Once upon a time in a world not unlike our own, there sat a girl with a singular thought.
  • And that one, lonely singular thought that looped through her mind was, "Zhjuejfja". Like I told you, it was a world unlike our own; they had their own language. The word meant
  • fornicate in a kind of traditional 'how's your mother in law' sort of way. I learnt more words that day including the phrase "Sorta wibo nailsum dandif" which means
  • "Would you care for some more tea, your grace?", which was quite upsetting because I expected the hills to have eyes, not to harbour intelligent halfbreds who knew their tea. The
  • halfbred, raised it's eyebrows to continue probing. "More tea?" I nodded in it poured the steaming liquid into my cup.
  • But I had not seen him pick up a hole from the ground. The first thing that he had put in my cup was the hole followed by the full contents of the coffee pot. Very hot contents.
  • which then spilled all over my lap. I screamed in agony, and in my mind swore that I would get revenge. Yes, I would make him pay! I would
  • creep into their kitchen at night, and switch the salad forks with the dinner forks! Next, I would drink a cup of milk, and replace it with water! You couldn’t hold back my plans
  • to earn my master’s degree in bullshittery, I had to creep into their bedchamber, at night, while they snort and fart, and set free bed bugs coated in itching powder on the sheets.
  • The Secret Service caught me before I could complete my "final exam" & I was taken away to jail. The next day, though, Trump pardoned me & invited me to serve as his advisor.


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