The elevator doors close, there is a lurch

  • The elevator doors close, there is a lurch as the box takes off then surges wildly upward and crosswise on the diagonal just like in the dream only this time incredulously real.
  • The elevator picked up speed.The numbers for all the floors were flashing all at once. I frantically pushed the emergency stop button. A sudden change of direction. Faster & faster
  • the elevator is going up. Finally it destroy the rooftop and burst out to the air above the building. Then I realized that the elevator is made of transparent stuff. I can see the
  • chocolate factory below. Willy Wonka screams, "Why are you smiling? The elevator isn't supposed to do this! This is a fate worse than death! The cabin pressure is dropping, maybe
  • as decompression commences Augustus will blow up like a pink fleshly balloon with goo goo eyes." Willy Wonka got a queer look as the glass elevator rocketed towards outer space
  • . "What is it Willy? asked Charlie. "Well," replied Wonka "I've never seen a vermicious knid with a bellyache and I fear once they eat Augustus, things could go awry." Augustus
  • was like, the best of the best of emperors. Augustus Caesar was not about to allow Charlie to retain ownership of the chocolate factory. The emperor ordered his purple guard to
  • Shut the factory down if the health department found any violations. They found none, so they had to do something else. They hired bugdogs to do another inspection. The bugdogs
  • only sniffed out some harmless ladybugs, and that was not enough to shut the factory down. They finally decided to incite a strike and a riot among the workers by spreading rumors
  • that the bosses weren't paying them enough. The bosses got a whiff of the riots and sent out budcats to destroy the rumour spreading buddogs. It was well known that the two beer


  1. Flopp Aug 30 2016 @ 15:16

    aw crap. I thought i had line number 9! O well. "... loving species were mortal enemies, and so the bud cats and bud dogs battled each other to the death, until the riots stopped. THE END"

  2. Woab Aug 30 2016 @ 15:23

    Could there be a more fitting tribute to Gene Wilder, who played the first Willie Wonka on film and died yesterday? Well, erm... probably.

  3. SlimWhitman Aug 30 2016 @ 16:41

    Wierd, I just started a tribute story with the same theme and then I saw this! It's not a bad tribute really.

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