One lonely Saturday night, I was sitting

  • One lonely Saturday night, I was sitting in my boring brown chair, drinking, when there was a knock at my door. I opened it. It was Robert Plant. He was dripping wet because
  • "The Rain Song" was Led Zeppelin's rock & roll rain dance. They played it in drought-affected regions. I let Robert Plant, dripping wet, in. "Hey hey," he said. "May I sex you up
  • ?" "Be my guest, Mr Plant! But you are old, Robert Plant, and I wouldn't want you to strain your rheumatic knee and catch a chill. Warm yourself by my fire & I'll fetch cocoa!" He
  • got up and hopped over to the kettle. Robert Plant watched him as he poured the powder and the hot water in to the cup. "How is that even possible? We don't have any bones or
  • or dice or dominoes whatever you call them." Robert Plant itched the scab on his lip and dared himself not to say anything. He who speaks first
  • dies. Of course, he didn't expect himself to to take himself too seriously with that bet, otherwise he'd have tried a bit harder to win, but soon he was staring down the barrel of
  • The wrong end of a gun. The king of Wotan intervened and substituted a concealed automatic weapon. It was getting dangerous by the Lawrence viaduct. Pedestrians were routinely the
  • meal of the day in more than one way. The king of Wotan was partial to raw heart but his 3rd Concubine, The Hidden, insisted on brazed brains.over gnarly knuckles. He jumped onto y
  • ellow Yeti. Yellow indicated that he was a Common Yeti. His mission was to help whoever claimed him first. In this case, he was the town Taxi. He carried him to Government House &
  • deposited him, half eaten, on the courthouse steps. "I don't mind them using me as a taxi," the Yellow Yeti was heard to say, "but when they don't tip me, they're lunch."


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