I lay aghast in my cradle as the train rocked

  • I lay aghast in my cradle as the train rocked through the wasteland. Already I had serious doubts that I would ever forgive myself for being born in such times. Grimly I endured
  • the dull throb and rumble of the passing tracks until I finally slept out of boredom and to escape the pang of hunger. I dreamed of the past. It was murky, like feeling through
  • the sock drawer at 5 a.m. for a pair of dark matching socks with the lights out because your old lady is still sleeping. All I had was my awesome past. It was "Legion." If only
  • I had signed on when Jack had offered me a spot on his mercenary swat team. Every once in a while I'd get a postcard from some exotic location taunting me with cryptic messages
  • like "miss you" and "wish you were here" ... You know, crazy stuff. I could not decipher that code to figure out what Jack wanted, so I
  • decided to guess the message, following my hunches based on how much I knew from him. After a couple of hours, my intuition started failing me and, on the verge of
  • having to do some actual research, i.e. work, I decided to call it quits. Meh. It was a message from some guy, good enough. I figured it probably said Good Job or something like th
  • at. But no...the note simply read: "Meet me tonight for drinks & maybe more? -- The Girl in the Green Sweater." I quickly looked up & around. There were 4 girls with green sweaters
  • . I could tell by the slant that she was left-handed and there was a slight scent juniper. I went up to the girl drinking a gin and tonic. "Got your note." "Who the hell are you?"
  • I explained, but she refused to listen. She was left-handed & reeked of mint julep. She had to have been the one. But she refused to own up, & I was forced to depart to save face.


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