I am a Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios.

  • I am a Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios. Except in high school, where everyone else is a strange, bubbling concoction of high fructose syrup and artificial flavor and color.
  • Thankyou Martin, that was a very.. original poem." said Mrs. Banks. Then Kollman sneered, "Did General Mills pay you for product placement?" Martin shot him a dirty look. At recess
  • all the kids called Martin "Pillsbury Poetry boy" "Betty Crocker" "gay Count Chocula" "Franken-Berry dick" and worst of all - "Honey Nut Clusters," all because of his stupid poem.
  • Would he ever live it down? It gnawed at him nonstop. He had to leave the bullies behind. So he packed up his cereal boxes and notebook and said "Cheerio" to his hometown.
  • Yes, he needed a bran new Life. One in which others would appreciate him. One in which others were hungry for what he offered. He got his Kix from painting landscapes in Ireland.
  • His Life was Total perfection until the day he saw her Kashing some Chex at the local liquor store.She was so magically delicious he could eat her with a spoon, but he was a Quaker
  • and a model. Most people thought the Quaker model could never make money. That was before the Oat company showed up. And then Wilferd Brimly. Now that he was rich the Quaker
  • Could be featured on cartons of oatmeal and everyone could recognise him. Wilferd Brimley wore a fedora hat that later was worn by some famous musicians who shall remain nameless.
  • We would not want to diminish their hipness by letting them get too popular because we name dropped. I have seen it way too often. Remember The Blue Clyde? That was me. My regret.
  • Remember Mr. Leonard P. Dinkle, of Slidell, Louisiana, USA, who saved the world in another fold? We spoke of him too much and he got too big for his britches. Son of a britch.


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