The scared child lay shivering on the labatory

  • The scared child lay shivering on the labatory floor. All she knew that she was different from the others, her soft fur covering her body and her long winding tail along with her
  • craving for bananas. She was part of the lab's simian assimilation program. As a 'humankey' she would be introduced to the other first grade classmates. She nervously ate a crayon.
  • Unfortunately Coco was chewing a gargoyle gas crayon & puked on two chumps, a chimpmanzee & a troglodyte in the next row. Dr. Kubrik's project to refilm Planet of the Apes was
  • off limits to Mark Wahlberg. In now way was even ever to go near a Planet of the Apes sequel. He wasn't even allowed to own an action figure. This saddened Wahlberg because
  • the residuals from Good Vibrations also were drying up. This led the former Marky Mark to
  • pack it all in. The inspiration just wasn't there anymore. There was only one person who could fill the musical void left by Mark, and that was
  • King Rambunctious II, who was known for filling musical voids. "Which instrument do you play?" asked Mark."HO HO! YOU NAME IT, I PLAY IT!" said King R, who was strangely similar to
  • a certain band member from the famous band One Direction. The king stared for a while before saying "Uh- I play the ukelele." Mark stood up and
  • went another direction. The band was totally confused by this and promptly combusted, much to everyone's satisfaction. After going that direction for a while Mark suddenly
  • died. In honor for Mark four bands were made:Front Direction, Left Direction, Right Direction and Rear Direction. The bands didn't make music, because they were really rubber bands


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