Comienzo la historia de 5to grado

  • Comienzo la historia de 5to grado
  • Habia una vez una facilitadora que le pidio a sus compañeras que probaran foldingstory....
  • pero sus socios estaban desconcertados, ¿qué hizo ella realmente quiere decir con eso?
  • Los miembros de la Gentlemen & Eruditos Club decidió leer "Lo Que Ellas quieren decir cuando Hablan Como Mujeres" para llegar al fondo de esto. "Ah, un juego de Putt-Putt Golf para
  • Which translates as grown up women dressed up as Millennials and looking ridiculous. They were searching for V the Magician, who made himself disappear.
  • Sadly, he disappeared himself a little to well, and V the Magician hadn't been seen for five years. The Millennial women were looking for a very special magic trick: one that could
  • make his disappearance permanent. The Millinium women were witches in disguise. They gathered the necessary ingredients for a potion. Eye of newt, tail of
  • newt, leg of newt, sinus tissue of newt... "All we got is newts," the head Millinium witch wailed, " isn't there anything else to work with?" The other witches scattered, looking
  • for something else. But their headquarters were in prime newt country and so they came up salamanders. Until Clinocyana the youngest miilinium witch brought in Newt Gingrich.
  • Clinocyana was now in charge of these newts - more brutal and less sympathetic to her workers. The newt industry was now thriving, but to what cost would it affect the families?


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