If I know what I know, because I knew it,

  • If I know what I know, because I knew it, and I can't know what I don't know, can I intuit?... If I intuit, I must have knew it, so my plea must be "I'll do it!" When "I'll do it"
  • but instead he just blew it. Right there, swimming in flop-sweat on stage at Russell Simmon's Def Poetry Jam. The crowd was so silent you could hear crickets packing up to leave
  • But then, just as the bats began to swoop in to capitalize on the cricket situation, he saw her, at the very back, wearing an expression somewhere between boredom and nausea. With
  • a tilt of his head, he expression his confusion at her revulsion. She wasn't paying attention to the crickets at all! So he swooped to her past the other bats & asked her what was
  • wrong. She didn't understand batteniese. He swooped and dove, so impressive! She ran and screamed. A match made in heaven? The older bat-boys were going to have a hay day
  • going batty. It was like a one-way ticket to Crazytown what, with all her friends flitting about, catching flying bugs in mid-air and devouring them like so many
  • Big Macs, although of course bugsier. She had no idea what to do with herself and decided to hang around in a nearby tree until they calmed down. She woke up the next morning to
  • a raging headache & a bad hairdo. Of course, hanging upside down in that tree all night long maybe had something to with it. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Mayor McCheese
  • walking his dog, Snuffles. She hid from Mayor McCheese (and Snuffles), embarrassed by the bad hair day she was having. Maybe if she dunked her head in the fountain, she could comb
  • out the knots and rival Rupunzel. She dunks with this thought. The fountain is cursed. She now has a shiny noggin and the brightness scares everyone off. Bad End. Try Again.


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