Black bark gives you fire ash. You give worms

  • Black bark gives you fire ash. You give worms to mother. I heard old man spit. This is what I pull not that.
  • .and... I got nothing. How could I win the Gothic south poetry contest? Fifty smackers were at stake. I hit the Underwood's keys. 'Moss covers you eyes. The air is dogs panting.
  • My soul bleedeth black when the ghosts ceaseth ranting..." "BOOOO!" "...*strikes an ominous chord* *adjusts black fishnets*...In chores there is pain. My parents are most lame.
  • I plant my parents' murder every they ask me to do chores. Then I vow that I would not be sad if they died at the jaws of a pack of fanged meerkats as I make my bed.
  • As it turned out, these said meerkats were killed and roasted over an open fire for Christmas stew last year. So now I do my chores. And I plant cat grass for my own tortie - she
  • rubs against my legs when I feed her and she makes appreciative noises, but I know she knows about my part in the roasting of the meerkats, and is just waiting for me to sleep. So
  • I must not sleep. I haven't for days. Every time my head drops I can see my cat's pupils dilate and I know she's waiting... waiting for her chance to avenge the meerkats with a
  • chainsaw that she had constructed herself, looking up the instructions on the internet while I wasn't home. I knew in that moment that I was to blame for what my cat had become.
  • I quickly ran to the library to research "How to make you cat a normal cat again and not a psycho killer" Unknown to me... my cat followed there.
  • I only saw the line "... with a blood sacrifice" when I heard Mr. Fluffypoo's screeching voice quickly close in on me. He got his final revenge.


  1. Chaz Dec 08 2016 @ 00:08

    Psychotic chainsaw-wielding cat not withstanding, excellent story.

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