"You can sleep in a comfy bear-shaped sleeping

  • "You can sleep in a comfy bear-shaped sleeping bag for as long as you like, but that will not save your planet or its residents. Your minds are undisciplined; your tech is equal to
  • stone knives & bear skins." "Listen you tin plated hunk o junk. It's what they had at the outlet.Either this or a furry wookie bag that stinks when it's wet. I didn't expect aliens
  • to burst from your chest. I think this is a job for Agent Ripley." He left the droid standing there looking stunned. But then again, it was a droid; it always looked that way.
  • Nonplussed, the droid rolled off to the KwikLube and traded the map it was smuggling for two gallons of Androysian nectar. A cloaked traveler followed the droid into an alley and
  • put a hand on the droid's domed top. "You got the juice?" He asked. The droid beepled, passing the cloaked figure a flask. "Nice," he said, "I've got that Degobah Dank if you're
  • game." The droid just stared blankly at the cloaked figure. "Eh, never mind. I gotta get out of this damned cloak," and with that, she threw off her robes, revealing her wings. She
  • had a beautiful, angelic figure, with giant white feathered wings and hundreds of eyes. It was a sight to behold: The droid stared in awe, unsure of what to say in the presence of
  • such a being. the droid buzzed and whirred, it's programming working overtime to process what was before it. "h-hello?" is the phrase it decided on, polite, as their programmer
  • programmed them to be. The angel was overloading the droid's circuits. It was from their heavenly aura which emitted energy in all dimensions. The angel made a few adjustments with
  • how it manifested and the droid returned to normal. Having served its purpose the angel flew away.


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